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Practitioner Testimonials
Learn how NeoGen
Nitrogen Plasma could
revolutionise your clinic.
Why choose NeoGen
Three expert aesthetics doctors weigh in on why NeoGen is leading the field in skin regeneration.
Approved Indications
Three experts weigh in on NeoGen’s versatility, from treating fine lines, to more serious dermatological conditions.
Nick Tvrdik
Nick Tvrdik from Aria Integrative Health, Denver, talks about how NeoGen nitrogen plasma is ransforming patients’ skin.
Dr Raj Thethi
Listen to Dr Raj Thethi discuss his experience with NeoGen in his clinic, and why he’d recommend nitrogen plasma technology.
Dr Vicky Dondos
Dr Vicky Dondos explains why she’s been using NeoGen in her clinic to get the best results for her patients, with little or no downtime.
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+44 (0) 1792 798 768

Energist Ltd
Clos Llyn Cwm, Enterprise Park,
Swansea SA6 8QY
Energist Ltd
Clos Llyn Cwm, Enterprise Park,
Swansea SA6 8QY